Arataki Ministries Ltd, a charitable company, is a non Govt organisation (NGO) that supports people who experience mental illness. We have worked in this field since 1991. We are owned by the Regent Community Trust and as such are a social service of the Whangarei Central Baptist Church. We support many people in the Whangarei and Kaipara Districts. All our work is done under contract to the Northland District Health Board.
Support means that we help people to live well by supporting goal setting, money management, dealing with the health system, transport, understanding their illness, increasing contacts with family/whanau, finding keeping good housing, and doing meaningful daily activity – whatever it takes to build a good quality life.
We consider that:
all people are of equal value;
that good relationships and hope are fundamental needs, and that recovery is available to everyone;
the elements of life which lead to good mental health are universal:
physical resources such as air, water and food;
security needs such as safety, warmth, food, clothing, shelter and work;
social needs such as belonging to family/whanau, having friends and mates;
spiritual needs including understanding of selves, our place in life, and our access to God if desired;
plus esteem needs such as recognition for useful tasks and resilience needs based on good understanding of self and one’s ability for self advancement.
Our websitewww.aratakimin.comfurther explains the work we do, how we do it, who is eligible, and how to contact us.